In 2000, the world didn’t necessarily need another advertising agency. What it did need was new ways of thinking of how to better connect companies with their customers. What Freestyle Marketing Group did– and has done well– is reinvent the marketing process to focus on strategy first.
There has been a heavy increase in mobile internet browsing to the point where it has recently overtaken desktop browsing. So why would you develop a site with desktop as your focus and allow mobile to be an afterthought?
Salt Lake City is starting to become a bigger dot on the map for travelers, business people, and thrill seekers alike. While we broke it down to the smallest criteria possible, there actually are a multitude of factors that make this city great.
Recently our Creative Director Jason spoke to an advertising class filled with upper level college students at Westminster College. One question that was brought up was quite interesting: “What did you learn on the job that you didn’t learn in school?”
Working at an ad agency, you are no stranger to dealing with projects, deadlines, odd jobs, and emails. Google has been increasingly making things easier. Check out these features you can start utilizing today:
The right to vote is a fundamental aspect of our democracy; but, unfortunately around 40% of Americans don’t actually vote. We urge you to do your part.
Coming up with creative solutions can be a daunting task, so it makes sense to include several team members. Brainstorming is a great way to throw a ton of ideas out there and then pick through them.
If you're in need of some inspiration, we've compiled a list of 18 incredible quotes about design, art, and advertising. We hope this post leaves you feeling motivated and focused as you tackle the workday.
We feel honored to be listed among the great business’ of Utah in this years Book of Lists from Utah Business and Enterprise. We opened our doors in 2000 and since have continued to bring success to our clients, and in turn, success to business.